- 本教会坚信神是自有永有的,他创造天地万物和人类,是圣父、圣子、圣灵三位一体的真神。
- 本教会坚信耶稣基督是神的独生儿子,因圣灵感孕、从童贞女马里亚而生,被钉死在十字架上,被埋葬了,但第三天复活了,而后升天,现坐在父神的右边,成为神与人之间唯一的中保,他将来再来,审判活人死人,建立永恒的国度。
- 本教会坚信圣灵感动人认罪悔改,使人重生得救。圣灵是信徒的保惠师,永远与信徒同在,要引导信徒明白真理,使能得胜成圣,活出基督的生命。
- 本教会坚信全部圣经六十六卷书无误,都是神所默示的,是基督徒信仰及生活的唯一准则。
- 本教会坚信人是神照他的形象造的,有灵、魂、和体。但因犯罪成为罪人,与神隔绝。人唯有藉着信心和靠着神的恩典,经由耶稣基督的救赎,才能与神和好,进入永生。
- 本教会坚信教会是基督的身体,是神的家;基督是教会的元首。
Statement of Faith
- The church believes in the one living and true God who is self-existent eternally. He is the Creator of the universe, all creatures and men. He is manifested in three persons — the Holy Father, the Holy Son and the Holy Spirit.
- The church believes in Jesus Christ who is God’s only-begotten Son, was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He was crucified on the cross, dead and buried. He was resurrected on the third day, ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He became the only mediator between God and men. He will come again to judge the living and the dead, and to establish the everlasting Kingdom.
- The church believes in the Holy Spirit, who convicts men of sin, the need of repentance and regeneration in Christ. He is believers’ Counselor, and indwells them forever. He enlightens the truth to believers, sanctifies them and guides them to live a victorious Christlike life.
- The church believes in the infallibility of the Holy Scriptures, which consist of sixty-six books, were all God-breathed and are the only and utmost authority in Christian faith and living.
- The church believes that men, in God’s image and likeness, were created with spirit, soul and body. Men became alienated from God because of falling into sin. Only by faith and the grace of God, and through the redemption of Jesus Christ, men can be reconciled with God and enter into eternal life.
- The church believes that the Church is the Body of Christ, the Household of God, and Christ is the Head of the Church.